We are hoping to assemble a group of about 8 - 12 boys
between the ages of 12 - 14.
Potential new members are chosen from boys that we think will work well together to create a strong group.

What is the amount of time that I will have to spend?

During the regular school year, the troop meets one weeknight per week, between 7:00 p.m. and 9:30 p.m. We are hoping to continue meeting at Shadow Lake Outdoor Centre, which has generously supported our group for over fifteen years. (We try to repay their kindness by participating in several service days per year in order to help them out.)

There is usually one weekend camp per month, where skills learned in meetings are put into practice. Camps are challenging and full of adventure. Some are in very comfortable surroundings, while others are deep in the wilderness. Some seasons have more camps than others. There are two types of camps. Core camps are important experiences. Missing them would interfere with the continuity of building strong skills and confidence.  Optional camps are not critical to attend, but are usually fun experiences. Sometimes there are events that are just for fun, such as movie nights. Sometimes there are service projects to help people who have helped us.

The summer months usually have some optional events planned. In the past this has ranged from ten day wilderness camps to two weeks hiking in the Smokey Mountains to five weeks in the South-Western states. Some optional programs are very inexpensive, while others are not.

It is not surprising that the greater the commitment to the group, the greater the benefit.